Million Marijuana March 1998

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Million Marijuana March, now known as Global Marijuana March (with many local names), was the Fifth Avenue Pot Parade expanded worldwide by Dana Beal and Cures-Not-Wars.

May 2, 1998 was "Phase 1" in New York City only. It went global in 1999.

See 1998 photos. 2. 3. 4.

See Newt Gingrich's deadly Drug War. Click 1998 Million Marijuana March flyer below to enlarge it.

See also: Race, ethnicity, and drug war. Click above flyer to enlarge it.

The Howard Stern Show on November 19, 1998 - Goofing on the 1998 Million Marijuana March that occurred on May 2, 1998 in New York City. Dana Beal calls in to the show at 9 minutes 9 seconds into this video (video has since disappeared). Howard, Dana and the crew also discuss the upcoming 1999 MMM on May 1, 1999, and that it will occur in various cities worldwide. Youtube link.

"Low-level marijuana possession arrests by the New York Police Department (NYPD) skyrocketed from about 3,000 in 1994, when [Republican] Rudolph Giuliani took office as mayor, to more than 51,000 six years later. The crackdown continued during Michael Bloomberg’s administration, when the NYPD arrested an average of nearly 39,000 pot smokers each year, compared to 24,487 under Giuliani, 982 under David Dinkins, and 2,259 under Ed Koch".