Global Marijuana March 2000

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Facebook. Cannabis March & 420.

See: Global Cannabis March and 420 signup, info, help, and contacts.

Main Facebook pages: Main Global Cannabis March and 420 fan page. International GCM-420 group. Europe GCM-420 group. Private GCM-420 group.

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Global Marijuana March animated.gif Share link: 2000details. See also: basic 2000 city list, 2000 graphics, 2000 map.

104 cities signed up for the Saturday, May 6, 2000 Global Marijuana March from 22 countries.

For global reports by year see:

Overview[edit | edit source]

2000 Million Marijuana March posters, flyers, and banners.
2000 MMM.
2000 MMM.
2000 MMM.
Atlanta 2000 MMM.
London 2000 MMM.
2000 MMM.
2000 MMM.

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1037 cities have participated from 88 nations or subnational areas since 1999.

The Global Marijuana March (GMM) is also known as the Million Marijuana March (MMM), and Global Cannabis March (GCM). Other names, and associated events (some have been around longer than GCM): World Cannabis Day, Cannabis Liberation Day, Cannabis Parade, Ganja Day, J Day, MardiGrass, etc.. GMM occurs on the first Saturday in May, or thereabouts, depending on the city and country. It began in 1999. See New York City, Dana Beal, and Wikipedia: Global Marijuana March. It may include marches, meetings, rallies, raves, concerts, festivals, information tables, and more. The six main demands: stop all cannabis arrests; stop the lies; release the medicine; heal the sick; end the prison state; Cures Not Wars. See ibogaine. And Facebook: Ibogaine Universe!!!! See GMM links for many links for event maps, reports, crowd photos, videos, GMM graphics, press/media, 420 graphics, etc.. See flat lists. See GMM Facebook. See to find archived reports by entering the URL. See report compilations: 420 and Global Marijuana March event lists by year. See also: Wikipedia: Legality of cannabis by country. Please let us know of missing cities for any year: Talk.

Millennium Marijuana March. Cannabis 2000. Alphabetical (by city) link list of reports, photos, audio, video.

MMM 2000 rally numbers worldwide[edit | edit source]

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The hundreds of alphabetical (by city) links to rally reports, photos, videos, and audio clips are in the following sections after this incomplete summary of rally numbers.

This numbers-only list below, and the list of email addresses in the following section, were both regularly updated by Dana Beal and posted to an MMM email list.

22 countries on six continents. 104 cities with contacts (see farther down).

  1. Adelaide, Australia.
  2. Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 1000.
  3. Amherst, Massachusetts, USA, 1000 (3 arrests).
  4. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  5. Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 150.
  6. Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 500.
  7. Auckland, New Zealand, 3-4000 over the day, 1500-2000 peak.
  8. Austin, Texas, USA, 1000.
  9. Barcelona, Spain.
  10. Bedous, France, 4000.
  11. Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
  12. Berlin, Germany, 300.
  13. Bern, Switzerland.
  14. Birmingham, Alabama, USA, 500.
  15. Boise, Idaho, USA, 500.
  16. Bologna, Italy.
  17. Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 35.
  18. Buffalo, New York, USA, 12.
  19. Burlington, Vermont, USA, 200.
  20. Camden, New Jersey, USA, 75.
  21. Cassopolis, Michigan, USA, 30.
  22. Castries, Saint Lucia.
  23. Chicago, Illinois, USA, 900.
  24. Chico, California, USA, 450.
  25. Christchurch, New Zealand, 150.
  26. Cleveland, Ohio, USA, 1000.
  27. Copenhagen, Denmark, 300.
  28. Dallas, Texas, USA, 200.
  29. Denver, Colorado, USA, 500.
  30. Des Moines, Iowa, USA, 12.
  31. Detroit, Michigan, USA, 900.
  32. Dessau, Germany 50 of 500.
  33. Duesseldorf, Germany, 500.
  34. Dunedin, New Zealand, 250.
  35. Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, hundreds dropped by stall.
  36. Enschede, Netherlands, 40.
  37. Eugene, Oregon, USA, 450.
  38. Eureka, California, USA.
  39. Flint, Michigan, USA, 200.
  40. Frankenthal, Germany, 50.
  41. Garberville, California, USA, 20.
  42. Grand Forks, British Columbia, Canada.
  43. Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, 250.
  44. Hamburg, Germany, 50.
  45. Hilo, Hawaii, USA.
  46. Houston, Texas, USA, 50.
  47. Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, 250.
  48. Kansas City, Kansas, USA, 10.
  49. Kingston, Jamaica.
  50. Johannesburg, South Africa.
  51. Lansing, Michigan, USA, 300.
  52. Leon, Mexico.
  53. Lisbon, Portugal.
  54. Louisville, Kentucky, USA.
  55. London, England, UK, 20,000 on the march, 60,000 at Festival.
  56. Los Angeles, California, USA, 200.
  57. Lubbock, Texas, USA.
  58. Lyon, France, 100.
  59. Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 1000.
  60. Madrid, Spain.
  61. Maribor, Slovenia.
  62. Miami, Florida, USA.
  63. Mindelo, Cape Verde.
  64. Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 1000.
  65. Montpelier, Vermont, USA, 50.
  66. Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 5,000.
  67. Moscow, Russia.
  68. Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 75-100.
  69. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 500.
  70. New York City, New York, USA 15,000.
  71. Nimbin, Australia, 8500.
  72. Omaha, Nebraska, USA, 1.
  73. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA, 20.
  74. Oslo, Norway, 2800 marched, 3000+ rallied, 19 arrests.
  75. Paris, France (banned on order of the Prefecture).
  76. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 75.
  77. Portland, Oregon, USA, 350 marched. 700 at the festival.
  78. Prague, Czech Republic, 500-1000.
  79. Raleigh, North Carolina, USA 200.
  80. Redding, California, USA, 200.
  81. Richmond, Virginia, USA, 150.
  82. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  83. San Francisco, California, USA, 1500.
  84. San Marcos, Texas, USA, 150.
  85. Santa Barbara, California, USA, 200.
  86. Sao Paulo, Brazil.
  87. Seattle, Washington, USA, 3500 marched.
  88. St. Louis, Missouri, USA, 250 marched, 500 rallied.
  89. St. Petersburg, Florida, USA, 500.
  90. Tampa, Florida, USA, 300.
  91. Tel Aviv, Israel, 350.
  92. Telluride, Colorado, USA, 75.
  93. Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2500.
  94. Traverse City, Michigan, USA, 50.
  95. Trier, Germany, 150.
  96. Tucson, Arizona, USA.
  97. Turku, Finland, 300.
  98. Utrecht, Netherlands.
  99. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 1000.
  100. Vienna, Austria.
  101. Washington, District of Columbia, USA, 150.
  102. Wellington, New Zealand, 450.
  103. Winnepeg, Manitoba, Canada, 5-600.
  104. Zagreb, Croatia, 400.

Email addresses[edit | edit source]

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To avoid being mistakenly deleted as spam please put GMM or MMM in the subject-title of any GMM email sent to the addresses below. Also, substitute @ for "at" in the email addresses below. "at" stops spambots from harvesting addresses. Most of these email addresses from 2000 probably no longer work.

WORLD WIDE CANNABIS ACTION, Saturday, May 6th, 2000.

Email list (extracted from above-linked page)

writch"at", mmmtexas"at", epeggs"at", rmelamed"at", cmmm99"at", iowanorml"at", B888H"at", pakaloha"at", galvan666"at", globalpeas"at", hempishep"at", god"at", bmasel"at", TCW"at", miszow"at", cnw"at", fearless_420"at", pdxnorml"at", mmm"at", hempfest"at", melacs42x60"at", Travisk"at"U.Arizona.EDU, legalizit"at", rebelart"at", pdimotoff"at", pcornwell"at", Blocpot"at", torontomarch"at", girouxp"at", paul"at", rappa"at", arsec"at", martin"at", movemus"at", kulurhaus.eppd"at", Hanf-tv"at", may2000"at", circpro"at", amec"at", freddiefreak"at", emailhight7"at", sokrates"at", rastapeace"at", hempstor"at", legalizit"at",

MMM 2000 event previews[edit | edit source]

Alphabetical event previews and reports[edit | edit source]

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Some of the report links below were copied from this web archive page:

Some of the pages linked below may no longer exist or they may no longer have 2000 MMM info. See the above archived compilation. Links below can be switched with the applicable archive link.

Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. The Freedom Activist Coalition Home Page (Millennium Marijuana March). MMM 2000 videos. A Link to 1999 photos, too:

Amherst, Massachusetts, USA. Extravaganja Draws A Crowd.

Anchorage, Alaska, USA. PUB LTE: Show Support For Hemp March.

Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Photos from the March and Rally in ATLANTA, GA

B.N.N. Bulletin! Many Photos. Click to enlarge:

Auckland, New Zealand. J-Day 2000, Albert Park, Auckland, Saturday 6th May. Videos and photos:

Pot Smokers Hold Peaceful Protest:
MMM Auckland & Wellington NZ Report:

Austin, Texas, USA. Hundreds Call for Legalization of MMJ In Texas. Demonstrators Urge Marijuana Legalization.

MMM March -Austin Texas. Photos!

Belfast, Northern Ireland. Drugs March Takes To The Street.

Birmingham, Alabama, USA. Legalizing MJ - Medical Pot Sparks Park Rally.

Boise, Idaho, USA. Rally Promotes Marijuana, Hemp.

Rally Supports Legalizing Marijuana, Hemp:
Boise MMM Cannabis 2000. Participant report:

Castries, Saint Lucia.

Chico, California, USA. Nurturing Prop 215: Cohasset Father Butts Heads With Police. MMM rally description in last part of article.

Christchurch, New Zealand. Call to Relax Cannabis Law.

Copenhagen, Denmark. COPENHAGEN Marijoana march.

Denver, Colorado, USA. Libertarians Speak Against State's Drug-War Sentencing.

Millenium Marijuana March, Denver Colorado, May 6, 2000:

Detroit, Michigan, USA. Tremendous Response!

Dunedin, New Zealand. NORML Aotearoa New Zealand MMM Report.

Eugene, Oregon, USA. What Do We Want? Drug Peace!

Media Ignored Protest:

Lansing, Michigan, USA. Lansing March [with Photo!]

Michigan Attendance High At Marijuana March.

London, England, UK. Cannabis Campaigners on the March. Cannabis 2000. Dust settles after worldwide cannabis explosion"

Cannabis Protest in Capital:
BBC News | UK | Cannabis protest in capital. With photo:

Los Angeles, California, USA. Report on Events of May 6-7. David Crockett Williams report.

Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Pot Advocate Announces Creation of Federal MJ Party.

page of photo links:
One Toker's Trek:

New York, New York, USA.

Mike Ruppert: Official Attendance Figures for MMM - Malarkey:
312 Arrested In Pot-March Bust:
NY City Hall Press Conference Tue. May 9th, 2000. 312 arrests, many illegal ones, many long detentions, harassment, brutality, etc.:
Suburbs' Youth Meet City's Tough Justice:
Reports of arrested participants. Harassment, illegalities, long detention, booking:
Record Heat at the NYC Millennium Marijuana March. High Times online article. Couple Photos:
MMM2000. "20 pictures with my electronic camera. They and a short travelogue are at:
Photos! Click small ones to enlarge:
millenium marijuana march 2000 on tag magazine. Article, and many great photos. Also, audio clips:
Millennium Marijuana March. Photos. Click to enlarge:
MMM in NYC. More great photos:

Nimbin, Australia. Nimbin Ready For Mardi Grass.

Freedom Ride. 2 Photos! And Australian Journey for Justice begins. To Sydney Olympics:
Nimbin MMMarch. Report and photo:

Oslo, Norway.

The Millennium Marijuana March, Oslo 2000. Freddiefreak report.
Big trouble in little Oslo, Norway:
Police intolerance created havoc during pot rally in Oslo:
I just saw the TV news about the hemp march today:
Bildene fra narko-slaget - Dagbladet. Great Photos of MMM rally, police teargassing, beating, running away, woman being carried away:
Photo of bloodied woman rallier (in middle of page):
Nyheter - Innenriks - Hasj-demonstranter kjeppjaget politiet. 3 Photos. One of bloodied head of rallier:
25 MMM pictures from Oslo, Norway. Short report, and link to the 25 photos:
MMM Oslo, 6. mai 2000. 25 Photos! Click to enlarge. Can then click "More detailed. (hires)" to enlarge further to huge panoramic views:
Aftonbladet nyheter: Många skadade vid hasch-upplopp i Oslo. Photo of police at rally:
CNN Norge - Bøter og sykemeldinger etter «hasj-slag», 7. mai 2000. Photo:
Many Norwegian language MMM rally reports, article links, press links, etc.. Millennium Marijuana March / The Space Odyssey:

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Liberty Bell March.

Portland, Oregon, USA. Hemp TV: Portland, OR Millennium Marijuana March (May 6, 2000). VIDEO!

Prague, Czech Republic. Demonstration in Support of Cannabis Legalization.

Croatians, Czechs Toke For Legalizing Marijuana:
Party. Photos (at end of page). Click to enlarge:

Redding, California, USA. Parade Pushes Pot Law.

San Francisco, California, USA. Pot Rally Draws Crowd At UN Peace Plaza. Hemp Fans Urge Freedom for the Fettered Weed.

Santa Barbara, California, USA. Marijuana March Unites Advocates.

Santa Barbara Has Great March:

Seattle, Washington, USA.

Hempfest Photo Gallery. And MMM 1999, 2000. Scroll down to the MMM sections:
Many video clips of political activism in Seattl, Washington. MMM, A16, THC TV, Renee Boje, and more. Scroll down to the MMM sections:

St. Louis, Missouri, USA. Thomas Jefferson Hemp Fest- St.Louis.

1st March To The Arch:

Tampa and St. Petersburg, Florida, USA. 9 Arrests At Pot Protest.

Bad Buzz:

Toronto, Ontario, Canada. MILLION MARIJUANA MARCH. Many Photos. Some can be clicked to enlarge INSTANTLY (since the bigger photos are downloaded at the same time as the smaller photos).

Toronto Marijuana March - Saturday May 5th 2001.

Turku, Finland. Pro-cannabis demonstration in Turku a big success.

Photos! Click photos to enlarge.

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. BC To Ottawa: 'This Bud's For You.'

Pot On Their Minds:
Vancouver MMM Cannabis 2000. Many participants' views:
Great Photo of ralliers with fully-leafed cannabis plants. On some steps:

Washington, D.C., USA. DC May 6 Rally. Pro-pot protesters swarm the US capitol. Photo!

NORML: May 6 HIGH Noon Demo in Front of Congress. MANY Photos! Click to enlarge:

Wellington, New Zealand. MMM Auckland & Wellington NZ Report. Wellington is second article on the web page.

Zagreb, Croatia. Croatians, Czechs Toke For Legalizing Marijuana.

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