Global Marijuana March 2002
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Global Marijuana March links |
See: Global Marijuana March links. And: Videos.
1037 cities have participated from 88 nations or subnational areas since 1999. GMM: years, photos, basic city lists, maps, detailed city lists, nations, links, graphics, regions. Google images: Crowds, flyers: Cannabis Day. And: Dia Mundial de la Marihuana. And: Marcha da Maconha. And: Marche Mondiale du Cannabis. And: Marcha Mundial de la Marihuana. And: Global Marijuana March. And: Global Cannabis March. Add city name to searches. Search Google, Google Images, Youtube, etc.. Flat list. All event graphics and photos. In alphabetical order by city. More flat lists:
Facebook: Main Global Cannabis March and 420 fan page. International GCM-420 group. Europe GCM-420 group. Private GCM-420 group. |
Top[edit | edit source]
Featured photos. |
See article with these photos. See videos too. More photos: Flat list of event graphics and photos. It is in alphabetical order by city. Many more images there. Share link to this small gallery. ![]() Sao Paulo, Brazil. May 26, 2018. See source. Part of "Green May" (many cities) [4][5][6] in Brazil. See another 2018 photo. See video showing massive crowd (from 1 minute on, especially the time lapse video). |
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Share link: 2002details. See also: Basic 2002 GMM city list, 2002 GMM graphics, and 2002 GMM map.
199 cities signed up for the Saturday, May 4, 2002 Global Marijuana March.
For global reports by year see:
1037 cities have participated from 88 nations or subnational areas since 1999.
Overview[edit | edit source]
2002 Million Marijuana March posters, flyers, and banners. |

The Global Marijuana March (GMM) is also known as the Million Marijuana March (MMM), and Global Cannabis March (GCM). Other names, and associated events (some have been around longer than GCM): World Cannabis Day, Cannabis Liberation Day, Cannabis Parade, Ganja Day, J Day, MardiGrass, etc.. GMM occurs on the first Saturday in May, or thereabouts, depending on the city and country. It began in 1999. See New York City, Dana Beal, and Wikipedia: Global Marijuana March. It may include marches, meetings, rallies, raves, concerts, festivals, information tables, and more. The six main demands: stop all cannabis arrests; stop the lies; release the medicine; heal the sick; end the prison state; Cures Not Wars. See ibogaine. And Facebook: Ibogaine Universe!!!! See GMM links for many links for event maps, reports, crowd photos, videos, GMM graphics, press/media, 420 graphics, etc.. See flat lists. See GMM Facebook. See to find archived reports by entering the URL. See report compilations: 420 and Global Marijuana March event lists by year. See also: Wikipedia: Legality of cannabis by country. Please let us know of missing cities for any year: Talk.
Detailed city list[edit | edit source]
Abbotsford: 604-607-1111 Tim Felger. Meet at 1 pm at Centennial park, march to courthouse at 2 pm
Albuquerque: Main NORML phone: (505)281-6277 or Rob Taylor (505) 565-4150 or Rich Haley writch(at) March starts at the corner of University and Central, ends at Roosevelt park.
Amsterdam: (main event June 1) Has cornelissen, "Has©" hashas(at) or Govert Flinckstraat 295-2, 1074 CA Amsterdam 0031(0)20-6107807 / 0031(0)6-16314682 Legalize is organizing a big benefit party for our rave. as u know our rave is in the beginning of June (8 June, not the 1st) but the benefit is during the MMM: on 4th of May!
Anchorage: Scot Dunnachie 907-278-4367 freehempinak(at) 2603 Spenard Rd, Anchorage, AK 99503
Ashland: "Amber Leiter" amleiter(at) 419-289-8810 , Amber Leiter, 165 Ronald Ave. Apt. I, Ashland, Ohio 419-207-8834
Athens: John Matthews jm206299(at) 740-707-5169
Atlanta: Paul Cornwell/CAMP info(at) Ph.404-522-2267
Auckland: Chris Fowlie norml(at) ph 09 302-5255
Augusta: Roger Leisner/Radio Free Maine. rleisner04330(at)
Austin: Tracy Hayes "M5 coalition" marijuanamarch4(at) 512.693.2356, cell 512.587.8838, 900 Bouldin, Austin TX, 78704. HIGH NOON, meet at Republic Park, 4th and Guadalupe; March at 1 PM, down Congress and over to the jail house on 10th and Guadalupe for a 10 minute vigil. Then head around the Govs Mansion towards the Capitol. Rally at the Capitol 2 PM. Speakers Ann Del Llano of the ACLU, Sarah Darrouzet of Austin National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), Brian Parrett of Hemp Advocates of Texas (HAT), Zeal Stefanoff, a veteran marijuana activist and medical marijuana patient, Joe Ptak, an environmental and free speech activist, and more.
Batesville: 662-578-6993 Gary / NFN Enterprise nfn(at) Live: ACRE WOOD. Band starts at 4:21 PM. 1509 Orwood Rd.
Battle Creek: "Jay Statzer" jstatzer(at) 616-697-4521 Rally in Friendship Park from Noon to 6:30pm with speeches by Rene Emery-Wolfe, Kalamazoo Action Network and the Green Party. Drum Circle. Sidewalk march at 4:20 to Calhoun County Correctional Facility for treatment instead of incarceration.
Berlin: Martin Muencheberg martin(at) 0049-30-29490201
Berne: Swiss Hanf Koordination Sekretariat + 41-31-398-144 infor(at) Roman will know which Swiss cities are marching.
Birmingham: Grow More Weed Campaign, PO Box 9121, Birmingham B138AU. 01212561303. (Mark Badger) Fax: 0121 256 1302. email: growmoreweed(at)
Boca Raton: Steve Jacobsen (561)706-1670 chefjake01(at)
Bologna: mar. million march / association livello 57 ++39 051-271066m4s(at) Via Muggia #9, 40100 Bologna or
Boston: Massachusetts Cannabis Reform Coalition\NORML P.O. Box 0266, Georgetown, MA 01833-0366 781-944-2266 - - 781-779-1334 fax On May 4, in conjunction with the Million Marijuana March's Liberation Day, we will be kicking off the Public Policy Question drive in Boston and elsewhere around the state. Please register your participation as a petitioner by e-mailing Steve Epstein at plowjogger(at) For more information go to:
Boulder: Fred Smith 303-449-2390 smithmf(at) 850 17th St., Boulder, CO 80302
Braunschweig: cannabislegal(at) This is an info stall in Braunschweig distributing leaflets and other information material from a stall in a shopping area.
Bremen: Silke Tel. 0179/180 25 25 Lieder(at) Olaf 0162/77 34 576 Party-Project: 33 99 334 party(at) Main event: Sat, 4-May-2002, 12:00h at the Bahnhofsplatz, speeches at 13:00h at Goetheplatz + info stalls
Brno: Vaclav Linkov, linkov(at) Tel.: +420-737-811107
Brussels: Ottavio Marzocchi omarzocchi(at) +32-2-284-5496
Bucharest: ClauditZa clauditza_f(at) 004092195819 address: Spliff Decision, viorele street, nr 34 Bucharest, Romania or Poke 004091343202 address: piata romana, Bucharest, Romania Details: forum concert Mamaia Beach from morning with super music and the best stuff around; La Mania Disco 10pm
Buenos Aires: daihatsu missminipimer(at) or miss olga summers olgasummers(at) Nos juntaremos el 4 de mayo, 16 hs., a fumar uno en el planetario buenos aires.
Buffalo: Philip L Beavers jr./B.A.C.H BLocman420(at) 716-895-1987 or 716-578-3410 1160 E. LOVEJOY (st) buffalo 1420 or Rebecca Powell 716-353-4807. La Salle Park Stage (at) FRONT PARK. 1PM w. music by ONE WORLD TRIBE SWEATIN LIKE NIXON, LOCAL JAM BAND RUHBARBLIVE COMEDY PROFORMANCE BY JIMMILA THOMAS LIVE DJ'S MAJOR MAILFUNCTION & DJ.SHORT CIRCIUT vendors include hemp merchandise, food (also vegan), refreshments, hemp info , voter registration, jugglers, informational speakers from REconsider, B.A.C.H BUFFALO AND A SPECIAL SPEAKER TO BE ANNOUNCED to speak at 4:20 pm ADULTS ONLY
Burlington: Denny Lane / Brendan Kinney, Vermont Libertarian Party & VT-NORML dennylane(at) / chair(at) (802) 496-2387 802-496-2387 POB 537, Waitesfield, Vt 05673 or matt hogg mhogg(at) (802) 865-9410. Rally starts at 12:30 at Burlington City Hall Park--We will have 10 speakers, music by the Channel 2 Dub Band-good reggae, and info tables with all kinds of prohibition and cannabis news and facts as well as voter registration.
Calgary: Ken Kirk e-mail: marijuanaparty.ofalberta(at) 780-430-8440
Capetown: "greggoodwin" greggoodwin(at)
Carbondale: Liz Strebe 618-351-0397 202 E. College (Apt 1), Carbondale, IL 62901
Charleston: Amanda Kushner Amanda2bad(at) 304-746-0777 969 Jarrell Dr., Charleston, wv 25312 Rally Concert
Chesapeake: Barbra 373-9027 bkquamen(at) Chesapeake, Virginia
Chicago: Caren Thomas, WCHDB, 2501 N. Lincoln, PMB#157; Chicago, IL 60614; 773-381-9330 - cell - 847-344-9394 email or 773-363-2942 chicagomarch2002(at) -or-windycityhemp420(at) website - I've bought "" & it should be up real soon.
Chico: 530-345-1997 chicodank(at) or or adrian aguilar ode2thewalls(at) (530)898-2150 or voicemail pgr 530-571-2071
Christchurch: Blair Anderson blair(at) Mild Green Media Centre ph: ++64 3 389-4065 Website Newsforum news://
Cincinnati: Nathan Utter (513)556-6107 or 861-5722. 29 W. Daniels #16, Cincinnati, Ohio 45215
Cleveland: John OCannabisSociety(at) (216)521-9333
Cologne: gow!Club CannaCom e.V. /redAktion: 0221 562-6347 "Vinnie" info(at)
Colorado Springs: Robert (719) 685-1189 hemptrends(at) 724 Manitou Ave Manitou Springs, CO. 80829 or Bob Melamede rmelamed(at) rally in downtown Colorado Springs at Acatia Park.
Columbus: Kenneth Schweickart 614-265-VOTE dpeo(at) 319 E. Hudson St. Columbus, Ohio 43202
Concord: (603)682-9077 "The Cannabis Times" tct(at) or State House at noon
Copenhagen: Ole olelykke(at) +45321572115 or Klaus Tuxen hampenyt(at) or Zid Dhartha mr_azid(at) (+0045) 32 95 65 07 org: Hampepartiet ( The party For HEMP) address: F.H.B. hampens plads Christiania, 1407 Kbh. K. March at 2 pm from Faelledparken Christiania into Copenhage for smoke-in in Nyhavn
Dallas: Fletch 214-566-2460 phletch41(at) 6008 E. Mockingbird Lane, Dallas, Tx. 75206
Darwin: mick lambe pariahnt(at) Ganja Day demo' at Darwin parliament house.
Dauphin: Shroom menace217(at) Dauphin, Manitoba Smoke-in, followed by walk to support legalization
Denver: Ken Gorman gov02(at) 303-935-6534 or ralph(at) 303-546-6125
Des Moines: iowanorml(at) (515) 288-5798 , , ; or Terry Mitchell (515) 789-4442; 608 Dallas St., Dexter, Iowa 50070.
Detroit: George George S. gtomfields(at) 313-533-6108 or "Professor Hemp" newagecitizen(at) 313-563-3192 or "jude joseph" acididea(at) 313 438 1668 Rally in Grand Circus Park and Washington Plaza Noon to 6:30pm with acoustic sets from SistA Otis, speeches from Jay Statzer, Prof. Hemp, Tim Beck and Douglass Campbell (Green Candidate for Gov.) See the Detroit Ibogaine Project presentation and "Shattered Lives" display. Sidewalk march starts 4:20 to occupy downtown Detroit
Dover: "Richard J. Schimelfenig" rschimelfenig(at) or dhempman(at) Delaware Cannabis Society c/o Richard J. Schimelfenig, 3504 Winterhaven Drive, Newark, DE 19702, (302) 456-9402
Dublin: "Butler, Philip" phillty2(at) +353 1 4163707 or jday(at)
Duesseldorf: Marlon Werkhausen marlon(at) phone: 049-172-7591795.
Duisburg: Dirk &Co cafe-zentral(at)
Dunedin: Duncan Eddy duncaneddy(at) NORML NZ, phone: 027 4719 139
Durban: or ezpz(at) +27 31 2016 359 PHONE AND FAX. Post net Suite 136, Private Bag X 04, DALBRIDGE, 4014, SOUTH AFRICA Justin Ballot, 134 Clark Road, Durban 4001, South Africa.
Eaton: Andy Fudge fudgeie(at) 210 eaton lewisburg rd apt#61 Rally 12 noon -- lots of kick ass specialties
Edinburgh: "Linda Hendry"linda(at) UK - 0131 667-6488
Edmonton, Alberta: Ken Kirk e-mail: marijuanaparty.ofalberta(at) 780-430-8440 or "Ross Z" ganja_23(at)
Ellwangen: Sven Semmler sven(at)
Eugene: Kris Millegan Hempsters(at) 800-556-2012 3rd annual Peace March against an unconstitutional and absurd Drug War will start at 12:00 noon from 24th and Amazon Parkway and proceed to the Wayne Morse Free Speech Plaza at Eighth ad Oak for music, speakers and rally.
Fairbanks, Alaska: Frank Turney 907-452-3777 or Chuck Rollins Jr. chuck(at)
Feldkirch: kontakt(at) 3. Hempfest Organized by Legalize! ÷sterreich and B¸rgerinitiative Cannabis (Citizens' Initiative Cannabis) Start: 20:00h Location: Sonderbar Admission: 8 Euro, 4 Euro for students Speeches, Information, Music
Flensburg: Peter Bluhm peter-bluhm(at) phone: Irene: 04632-871771 Peter: 0461-13620
Flint: Rev. A.S."Happy" Wright happy_hempster(at) 989 872 8005 The march will begin at 10 am on May 4th. First time annual event downtown Noon - 4:20pm
Frankenthal: helmut holtzheimer movemus(at)
Freiburg: info(at), Verein fuer Drogenpolitik e.V. Info stall from 11:00h-17:00h. corner Kaiser-Joseph-Strasse - Schiffstrasse
Fresno: Glass Packers glasspackers(at) Eric Burns
Ft. Lauderdale: Sean LaPierre 954-584-8979 4750 N.W. 10th Court (Apt. 314), Plantation, FL 33313 email: imagic music(at) Rally from 12 - 5:30pm for the Million Marijuana March in Stranahan Park, on the S.E. corner of Broward Blvd. and Andrews Ave. Downtown Ft. Lauderdale!
Garberville : 707 923 4488 "Paul Encimer" encimer(at) Box 162, Piercy CA 95587; or "jeri" jeri(at)
Geneva: John Goetelen +41-22-349-6622
Halifax: 902 865-8606 Michael Patriquin mpat(at) HempWorks, 93 Orchard Dr, Middle Sackville, Nova Scotia B4E 3B3
Hamburg: Martina Katzsch Hanf-tv(at) ++49 40 4394493 Kulturhaus Eppendorf, at 20:00 Politisches Beisammensammensein Diskussionen - Musik
Hamilton: Contact aksh1(at)
Helsinki : Finnish Cannabis Association sky(at)
Hilo: Roger Christie pakaloha(at) (808) 961-0488
Homer, Alaska - contact Julie Cesarini, P.O. Box 812, Homer AK 99603, 907 235-6040.
Houston: Dean Farrell fdb(at) (281)752-9198. c/o Dean Becker, 11215 Oak Spring, Houston, TX 77043
Hull: Carl Wagner phone: +44 01482 494789 5 Victoria Square, Ella Street, Hull HU5 3AL, England
Huntsville: "Acorn" 256-489-2607 or mikecrockett256(at) 1267-A jupiter court, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35808. The festivities are set for 2 pm at big springs park here in huntsville.- smoke time, of course, 4:20 pm.
Indianapolis: Neal Smith, inorml(at), 317-335-6023 Voice Mail, 3601 N. Pennsylvania, Indianapolis, IN 46205 Rally at Broadripple Park on Indy's northside, starting at Noon w. featured guest will be Jeanne Horton. Jeanne has been bedridden for nearly 10 years from MS.
Ithaca: Adam Hirsch ah222(at), 111 Dryden Rd(Apt 9C), Ithaca, NY 14850. (607) 227-0302
Jacksonville: James Johnson (904)245-2876 chefboyrdee69(at) 659 Apeberry Lane, Jacksonville, Florida
Jefferson City: Al Minta (417)885-3993 cannabisal(at) address: 1653 N. Patterson (Apt A), Springfield, MO 65803 or Columbia NORML/Jeremy & Amanda 573-815-9821
Jerusalem: Joseph (011 972) 55-344-859
Johannesburg: Gordon Maene Gordon(at) work: ( 011)805 6763 cell phone: 082 552 6393
Juneau: contact Brad Parfitt at latebrad(at)
Kailua-Kona: Gretel Zapata of Free Mary Jane freemaryjanehawaii(at) Tel# 808.328.9251 voice# 808.331.5418 81-1085c Capt. Cook RD Capt. Cook HI 96726 or PO box 746 Honaunau HI Event details = Meet at Old Airport soccer field 1PM. March to Huggo's and back.
Kansas City: mohemp(at) David 816-678-7447, 'its a beautiful day' 3918 broadway, kansas city mo. 64111... 816 931 6169.
Kelowna, B.C.: Teresa Taylor, CCC luna(at) (250) 442-2741 or (250) 442-5166 Fax (250) 442-5167 or Amanda/hempshop (250)770-8171
Kent: 330-673-3060 Matthew S. Donowick 237 1/2 E. Summit st., Kent, OH 44242 TennJedJr(at)
Krakow: Marek Warmuz (+48)501-468-018 "quepassa" quepassa(at)
Ladysmith: Terry & Wendy, (250)-245-3595, tandwp1(at)
Lansing: Kathy Kennedy 517-628-3915 or e-mail: "kathy kennedy" prohibitionx(at) gather at 2PM at Olds Park (corner Cedar and Michigan). 2:30 short march to the Capitol. 3:00 speakers Dan Salano, Renee Emry and Trena Moss with the Rainbow Farm story. Certified ASL sign language interpreters.
Las Vegas: Ray Facundo raybones80(at), 1750 Santa Margarita, Apt 122, Las Vegas, NV 89146 (702)-222-3560
Leadville: Ken Cary (719-486-2215. 114 W 6th # 9, Leadville, CO 80461
Leipzig: C.U. Rolf tel 03412131477 or "veejaykay" veejaykay(at) rolfdereinzigename(at), lxc(at) j–rg klepsch, simildenstr.12, 04277 Leipzig-germany
Lille: FARId GHEHIOUECHE gfarid(at) Tel/fax : 01 44 93 93 57; Mobile: 06 14 81 56 79
Limburg: Batlle(at) (Valentin Batlle) 11.05.2002, 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM Limburg City Europaplatz M.M.M-Event with Music (Söllner, Joint Venture ...) Valentin Batlle, Hanf Aktivist
Little Rock: Jamie Collins k_kar420(at) (501) 663-4216 1516 Fairpark Blvd., Little Rock, Ark. 72204
Liverpool: Will Graham willg(at) tel (inc. international code): 0044 151 727 1458
London: International Cannabis Coalition (UK), PO Box 2243, London, W1A 1YF, UK. Chris: 020 7637 7467. Fax: 0870 0548646. E Mail: may2001(at) Begin with a carnival style march from Kennington Park (assemble 12pm) with floats, banners, costumes and samba beats leading to an all day free festival in Brockwell Park, Brixton, featuring music, the Hemp Expo, Medical Cannabis Marquee, Speakers Area, Hemp Food, and much more...
Ljubljana: borut.delfabbro(at) #352; ou-Lj, Kersnikova 4, 1000 Ljubljana or Mojca Štraus mojca(at) 0038641786490 Vinski vrh5a, 3240 Šmarje pri jelšah, Ljubljana, Slovenia Rally Concert Ljubljana, Kongresni trg 11 am a manifestation of freedom and tolerance. Starting at 3pm, sketches and speeches finishing at 9 pm, continuing into the night at After Dark, Metalkova, K4
Los Angeles: Sister Somayah 323-232-0935 or 504-858-0981 Ashley fearless420(at) On Saturday, May 4th, the LA MMM event will be held all day in Leimert Park at Vernon and Crenshaw in Los Angeles beginning with 10am "Hemp Breakfast", Rally 1pm until dusk.
Luxemburg (LU) info(at), Tel: 00352 26 53 08 95, They are planning a press conference and handing out leaflets. Mailing address:LIFE, 53, Val des Aulnes, L-3811 Schifflange
Lyon: FARId GHEHIOUECHE gfarid(at) Tel/fax : 01 44 93 93 57; Mobile: 06 14 81 56 79 Location: 14h Croix Rousse Place
Madison: Ben Masel bmasel(at) 608-257-5456
Manchester: Cannabis Coalition (Manchester), 57 Church Street, Smithfield Buildings, Manchester, M4. Tel: 0161 834 1130. email: Gingrach(at)
Marburg: Gr¸ne Hilfe Hessen, c/o Jo, Tel/Fax: 06631/801512 Location: Cafe Am Gr¸n, Start: 19:30h Hempevent Liberation Day with Word Music (live), speeches and hemp, cannabis, marijuana infos Marburg (Germany) 04.05.2002, 07:30 PM Cafe am Grün M.M.M-Event with Worldmusic (Embryo) Speakers - Jo Biermanski, Grüne Hilfe Bundesvorstand - Sylvia Hesse, Grüne Hilfe Landesverband Hessen - Donald Denzler, Rastafari - Anna Lührmann, Bundestagskandidatin B90/Grüne - Mark Seibert, Jugendpolitischer Sprecher PDS, Hessen
Marseille: FARId GHEHIOUECHE gfarid(at) Tel/fax : 01 44 93 93 57; Mobile: 06 14 81 56 79
Melbourne: Kevin Aplin FL CAN (321)-726-6656. Jodi James -Coalition Advocating Medical Marijuana 321-253-3673. e will be parading with floats and a police escort (free of charge) from Fee Ave Park to City Hall in Old Downtown Melbourne on May 4th march Assembles at 12:00 Noon. There will be a concert afterwards at the Greenhouse Cafe and Hemp Museum on East New Haven Ave.
Memphis: Lanie 731-855-7527
Mexico City: +5300 5774 "Tato" foigras2002(at) "Camello" cosmocamello(at) "Asoc. Mexicana de Estudios Sobre el Cannabis" amecamexico(at) Leopoldo Rivera Rivera/AsociaciÛn Mexicana de Estudios sobre el Cannabis, Amapola # 35, col. Jardines del Molinito, Naucalpan, Estado de MÈxico. CP. 53530 MŠXICO or Adolfo Prieto 1003, Col. del Valle, C.P. 03100, Mexico, D.F. , , Event Details: Meet in front of Palacio de Bellas Artes at 3pm. Saturday May 4, 2002
Miami: Glenn Allen, 42c s.e.12th st. Dania, Fl 33004, 954-929-7025 aka "Nelg Nella" spacehippie(at) The Miami May 4th event is tentatively scheduled for Peacock Park in Coconut Grove.
Milwaukee: "Dominic Salmaan" cannabisliberation(at) 414-469-0899. 1525 E. Royall (Apt # 14), Milw., WI 563202.
Minneapolis: Grassroots Party or Chris Wright TCW(at) 612-522-5374. March (at) High Noon from Loring Park to Washburn Fair-Oaks Park.
Missoula: Angela Goodhope sisterearth420(at) (406) 829-1703 Jacob's Island 420ish to University and then possibly downtown; Bands and hempy refreshments
Montpelier: Rama Schneider 2001(at) (802) 433-5441 address: 1614 Gilbert Road, Williamstown, VT 05679
Montpellier at Le Bikini Location: 16h Comedie Place
Montreal: Marc-Boris St-Maurice blocpot(at) (514)528.1768
Moscow: d-form(at) mailing address Russia, Moscow, ul.Grimau 16, ap.28
Munich: mmm-muenchen(at)
Nantes: FARId GHEHIOUECHE gfarid(at) Tel/fax : 01 44 93 93 57; Mobile: 06 14 81 56 79
Napa: Bruce Trask 707-253-9295 1020 Soscol Ferry Rd, Napa, CA 94558
Nashville: "Howie & Marivuana Leinoff" torml(at) (615)ACT-HIGH.
New Haven: Lucas Davenport hardreboot(at) 203-752-2462
New Orleans : Crystal 504-897-9196 or Daisy 504-957-HERB email: NewOrleansMarch(at)
New Paltz: newpaltznorml(at) NORML / SSDP PO Box 775, New Paltz, NY 12561 from 2pm - 6pm rally complete with bands, speakers etc. at 6pm march through town for about an hour the local SUNY at campus to join the 3rd annual Rock Against Racism concert hosted by New Paltz NORML w. Merl Saunders and his Funky Friends, Tony Vacca - World Rythems with Gokh-Bi System
New York City: Dana 212-677-7180 dana(at)
Newark: "Lori Simpson" Kinkywink(at) 47 Mark ct., Bear, DE 19701 302-838-4375
Nimbin: Max Stone of the Australian Cannabis Law Reform Movement" aclrm(at) ph: 61 0266 891842 Bong Mobile
Normal: Zach (309)451-1516 "Bud Spliff" normalpotluck2002(at)
Nuernberg: Emanuel Kotzian ("Green Party") emanuel(at) phone: 0049-911-535433 14.00 CET - LIBERATION DAY DEMO 2002 ANNAPARK, U-Bahn Maffeiplatz, (Demo durch die Innenstadt zur Lorenzkirche) 16.00 CET - LIBERATION DAY ACT 2002 LORENZKIRCHE, U-Bahn Lorenzkirche, Gregor Gysi, Ulrich Maly (OB-N¸rnberg), Claudia Roth (alle angefragt) & guter Musik (garantiert!) 18.00 CET - LIBERATION DAY DANCE 2002 K4- K–nigsstr.93 - groþer Festsaal, Sound: 12 DJ/MC-MIX FOR LIBERATED PEOPLE (Reggae-Hiphop)
Oberlin: Patty Hallman sbysc(at) (440)774-4544) c/o Stitch by Stitch & Curiousities, 31 South Main Street, Oberlin, OH 44074
Omaha: Paul Tripp, paultrip(at), (402)598-6180 12216 Poppleton Plz. #238, Omaha, NE, 68144
Oslo: mmm(at) Torkel Bj¯rnson, NORMAL, Hjelmsgt 3, N0-0158 Oslo, Norway
Ottawa: "deadmanseedco" deadmanseedco(at) 613-749-3014 Don Appleby or Rick Reimer at 613-756-2961 or Rob Brown at 613-756-5892
Paducah: Paula (270)362-9849 pioneer(at), Cher Ford-McCullough bitchcrafts(at) 65 Cabin Lane, Gilbertsvile, Ky. 42044 or Brian McCullough bud_jamesbud(at) (270) 362-8186 We got Gatewood for this Years March!
Palm Springs: Lanny Swerdlow mappnow(at) or marijuanamarch(at) pager: 760-836-8166; ph: 760-799-2055.
Paradise: Virgil Hales 530-877-5814
Paris: FARId GHEHIOUECHE gfarid(at) Tel/fax : 01 44 93 93 57; Mobile: 06 14 81 56 79 or "Dalila AKROUR" dalilaa(at) 5, rue de Tombouctou 75018 PARIS On friday 3rd, one opening night for a Drugs Legalisation Festival with plenty of famous bands in different places in Paris. Saturday 4th, Big demo. Bastille place 3:00 PM ; and evening : following of the music festival. Sunday 5th, at Main d'Oeuvre in Saint Ouen (stick to North Paris), all day happenings with : forum about Drugs legalisation, film festival against censorship on drugs, conference and debate on the topic : what about a new french drugs policy ?, art performance, public lecture, photo exhibits... and hemp food buffet
Patterson: David Germolus 209-892-6640 angelwater260(at) 420 hoffman ct., Patterson, california meet at the circle at 4:00; start march at 4:20 Super phat smoke out as we march and rally through the small town; Show the police we will not stand aroud like pupets, we have rights. Major party after the march
Philadelphia: phillyweed420(at), "chuck palmer" chuckp(at)CritPath.Org 610-279-6358, or "Dave Toaff" davetoaff(at) Starts 12:00 noon at the Federal Courthouse at 6th and Market Streets. Rally beginning at 2:00 PM at the Park by Front and South Streets before crossing the bridge to go to Penn's Landing. Speakers incl: Diane Fornbacher, Director of the Tri-State Drug Policy Forum, and Professor Julian Heicklen, Western Vice Chair the Libertarian Party of PA
Pilsner or Plzen:, e-mail exist(at)
Pordenone: Ivan Romano, Via Firenze 5, 33080 Porcia, PN, Italy ++39434591026 ++43428098
Portland: (503) 239-6110 MMM 2002 Committee c/o Oregon NORML (OrNORML) PO Box 86443, Portland, OR 97286 Madeline Martinez yerbanena(at) or Steven M. Cooper Volunteer Coordinator ornorml.volunteer(at) - Portland: "The Second National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics: "Analgesia and Other Indications" May 3& 4, 2002, Holiday Inn at the Convention Center, Portland, Or. This is an accredited conference that is co-sponsored by Patients Out of Time, the Portland Community College Institute of Health Professionals, the Oregon Health Division, Mothers Against Misuse and Abuse, and the Oregon Nurses Association. Registration information and conference details will be available by February 1, 2002 at . Press representatives should contact Patients Out of Time for information at (434) 263-4484 or al(at)
Prague: Michael "xChaos" Polak xchaos(at) Tel: +420 603 872631 / +420 2 33355668 / ICQ# 40434104 (Stop drug war & release victims !)
Providence: Ann McCormick amccormick(at) 401-724-6285 41 Greenfield Street, Pawtucket, RI 02861-2934 or Dave Farias 401-521-3054, 21 Pomona Ave, Providence, RI 02908
Raleigh-Durham: Bryan T. Moore btm42(at) 614 Carolina Ave. Raleigh, NC 27606-1606 (919) 816-0609 or "Jeff Badalucco" nc_ca(at) (919)834-2816 238 Pecan St., Raleigh, NC 27603
Rapid City: Bob Newland newland(at) 877-687-5297, 605-255-4032 website: Arrive by 3:30 to hear some "speechifyin' ". March will begin promptly at 4:20 p.m at 6th and Columbus Streets and proceed north on 6th Street to Memorial Park near the Civic Center for a concert jam. concert/jam is planned at the park after the march.
Recklinghausen: Jossi janjos(at)
Regina: Daniel Johnson amduscias(at)
Rennes at l'Ubu. Jean Charles PETITJEAN, BARACANNA (COCAR), 105, rue St HÈlier, 35000 Rennes. TÈl : 33 (0)2 23 35 15 69 Fax : 33 (0)2 23 35 01 33 E-Mail : baracanna(at) SIRET : 432 785 822 00029 APE : 913 E ouvert mercredi de 14h30 ý 19h30 jeudi, vendredi et samedi de 10h ý 20h They will offer hemp seeds to people at a rally in front of the mayor's house.
Reno: Michelle 775-287-1594 or Sharon Noble 775-971-9237. 11540 Rocky Mt. St., Reno, NV 89505. Virginia Lake at noontime on May 4, 2002
Richmond: "Roy B. Scherer" rscherer(at) (804) 355-7612, or campus libs at Huclberie1(at) March starts at 1:30 pm at Monroe Park, (bounded by Laurel, Franklin, Main, and Belvedere. Following speeches, it proceeds down Franklin to the Capitol for more speeches.
Rio de Janeiro: +55 - 21 - 9885 9162 mmmbr2002(at)
Rome: "Segreteria Forte Prenestino" segreteria(at) or Michela Gesualdo mgesuald(at)
Rosario: +54 - 341 - 4642699 or +54 - 341 - 155093184 E-mail: raddud(at) Corrientes 1307, 2000 - Rosario- ARGENTINA
Salt Lake City: Dr. Ken Larsen (801) kencan(at) 856 E. 100th St. South (#2), Salt Lake City, UT 84102 or Andy Morrill (801)334-8122 rambis4(at) A. Reed Morrill, 1663 Historic 25th Street,Ogden, Utah 84401 In Salt Lake City, we will assemble at South Temple and West Temple. At High Noon, we will begin our march East to State Street and then North to the steps of the Capital. That will take about 30 or 40 minutes. Then, we will have music and speakers. Dennis Peron, author of Proposition 215 in California, will be our featured speaker.
San Diego: San Diego A.C.T. (Association for Cannabis Therapeutics) c/o T.Villodas,901"F"street#413,San Diego, Ca.92101 email: Ed zepplin edzepp(at) or Donna 619-302 3041 or 619-223-1050 (land line) 619-302-3041 (mobile)
San Francisco: Hemp Evolution/Clark Sullivan "freeman sullivan" feemansulllivan(at) or c.libertine(at) or LAMPS 415-487-0561 Saturday in San Francisco's UN Plaza where United Nations Climate Treaty "Grandfather" and honorary chairperson of The American Agenda Committee, Alden Bryant, will open the program at Noon at the United Nations Plaza by singing of the UN Cantada of Human Rights, by thanking the medical marijuana activists for their efforts to see cannabis/hemp/marijuana prohibition ended so that hemp can be widely grown to save the trees and help climate stablization
San Juan: Christian Fernandez c_fernh(at) Box 839 Gurabo, PR 00778
San Luis Obispo: "Rusty Stuart" nzane(at) 1722 Nacimiento Lake Dr, Paso Robles, CA 93446 805-237-7303 or 805-237-7306 And Jo-D: 805.937.0034
San Marcos: Joe Ptak: 512.754.0264 Email: earthfirstswt(at) Postal: 213 Ramsay St.; #107, San Marcos, TX; 78666
Santa Cruz: DdC dendecannabist(at) or Jason Brodsky theherbalist(at) or Bryan Gilstein shelbyrose7(at) (831-502-3865) Bryan Gilstein, UCSC, 600 Kresge Ct, Santa Cruz CA 95064 discussion list: SCMJMarch(at) Meet at the clocktower at 4:00, march at 4:20 on May 4th
Sao Paulo: Victor maolvni(at) 30620225 rua tirica 345 Cabeca: podiscreuza(at) : 35678903: rua japao 876 maolvni(at) Praça Por do Sol , Avenida Faria Lima March Rally Forum Concert Todos juntos na Por do Sol !
Saskatoon: Jeremiah Whipp (306)230-0951 -- 1800 Main St (Apt 42), Saskatoon, Sask. S7H4B3.
Sofia: Chris Pantchev Xpu100 hri100(at)
Soltau: Meet up at 15:30h at the Hagen - Demonstration starts at 16:00h
St. Louis: 314-962-0690 or St. Louis Area NORML , PO Box 220243, St. Louis, MO 63122, Phone: 314-995-1395 Email: StL_norml(at) Saturday 4 May - 4:20 March to the Arch - The main event is 3PM at Kiener Plaza (Market and Broadway in Dowtown St Louis MO) for general protesting, sign displays and lots of yelling good natured 1st Amendment fun. At 4:20 we March to the Arch past KMOV-TV and KMOX-AM where we entice them to come out for coverage. Event concludes with speakers, drumming and victim testimonials on the steps facing the Mississippi River under the Gateway Arch. Sign making parties and other earlier Cannabis Liberation Day events to be announced.
Stafford: Simon wrxmanuk(at) +447816485762 Concert (at) stafford town square
Stockton: mikaela/free the weed 912-884-6144 veganarchy16(at) veganarchy16(at) 322 lake dr, stockton, california
Stuttgart: info(at), Verein fuer Drogenpolitik e.V. Info stall from 11:00h-17:00h. corner K–nigstrasse / B¸chsenstrasse
Tallahassee: (850)321-8311 ask for Matt fsunorml(at) Ricky Bradford FSU NORML c/o Oglesby, Union Student Activities Office, FL 32306
Tampa: (813)779-2551. Michael Palmieri forml420(at) or forml_2000(at); (FORML ). P.O. Box 2061, Zephyrhills, Florida 33539. ups: 38233 Tucker Rd, Zehyrhills, FL 33541 ; or bquail420(at) ph: (727)347-6245
Taos: Danielle Romero (505)770-5260 or Joanne Foreman jofo(at) 505-751-1102
Tel Aviv: Boaz Wachtel -- wachtel(at) Tel:972-54-573679 PO Box 2983, Even Yehuda, 40500 Israel
Thunder Bay: Doug Thompson docclone(at) 807-475-7436
Tokyo: Takao Bakuya (Cannabist) info(at) +81-3-3706-6885
Toronto: "Terry Parker Jr." terryparkerjr(at) 2209-55 Triller Ave. Toronto, Ont. Canada, M6R-2H6 416-533-7756 or Derek Wellwood or Larry Duprey (416)540-7829 fax(416)242-2635 larryduprey(at) or info(at) Toronto Area Association / Marijuana Party of Canada, 132 Dundas St. East, Toronto,On M5B 1E2 (416)367-3459 Please note that Toronto is doing the Parade on Sunday May5.
Traverse City: Melody Karr fiddlefoot420(at) (231)885-2993 PO Box 524 Mesick, MI 49668. or 10954 Birch Road Mesick MI 49668. Begin Gathering at High Noon at Sunset Park (parking available at the Great Lakes Maritime Academy, 1701 East Front Street). March at 1 p.m., along Grandview Parkway and back through downtown. Rally will follow, beginning at 4:20 at the Fireplace Inn, between Interlochen and Karlin.
Trondheim: mmm(at) Line Arstad, NORMAL, Hjelmsgt 3, N0-0355 Oslo, Norway
Tucson: "mary mackenzie (formerly crow)" mmackenzie(at) (520)323-2947 or 3400 east speedway, #118, tucson, arizona 85716
Turku: Vihreet Pantterit info(at)
Ukiah: Verge Belanger "v belanger" contactverge(at) Tommy Gunn, 528 North State St. #1, Ukiah, Ca. 95482 1 PM Rally w. speakers and music at Mendocino County Courthouse (Perkins & State Sts.). Then Million Marijuana March to Todd Grove Park for a Potluck picnic with various speakers, 2 acoustic music acts, juggling, info, etc
Upper Lake, Ca.: Linda & Eddy Lepp"linda senti" lisenti(at) 707-275-8879
Vancouver: David Malmo-Levine, dagreenmachine(at) BC Marijuana Party Bookstore and Internet Broadcasting Center, 307 West Hastings Tel. 604 682-1172 The plan is to start at the Art Gallery (Georgia and Howe St.) at 2PM, do the "non-violence/hug power" speech for security and informational context thing, then march down to the US consulate at 3PM (1095 W. Pender) and have a rock concert! Marc will probably be handing out some fine herbal relaxants and euphoriants. Prizes for best sign/banner, costume and joke. Send regular mail address to dagreenmachine(at) (mark email with "active package" in title) and you will receive free zines/posters/pamphlets! For rally tips, check out the "Rally Do's and Don'ts" shows in the "High Society" archive at! ~ MMM 2002 march video:
Vega Alta: jose a hernandez josefaruk1(at) location Park Recreativo. Que Viva La Musica Coqui Coqui.
Vermilion: Sonny Morris 967-6069 sonny44089(at) 309 devonshire, event location: Vermilion Lake Park 4 PM
Vienna: 5. Hanffeuer, Bushdoctor martin(at) Phone: +43 (01) 524 04 40, Fax: +43 (01) 524 04 24, Kirchengasse 19, A-1070, Vienna, Austria"
Vilnius: "Andrius Brazas" brazhas(at) 370 98 84714
Walton: Dave Baughman 620-837-4496 Davyblues1(at) 124 S. Walton Ave., Walton, Kansas 67151
Washington, D.C.: "John Pylka" fjhc(at) Phone: 202-887-5770 .or marcia.greene(at) or taporter84(at) At Malcolm X Park, 12-6 PM: a small gathering and teach-in to get people ready for the July 4th. Demonstration.
Wellington Ben Knight Legalise(at) NORML NZ , PO Box 27-315, Wellington +64 25 377509
Winnepeg: Chris Buors, chris_buors(at) mail to 430 Winterton ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R2K 1K4
Winston-Salem: Queen Selassie (336) 661-0684 4469 Indiana Ave, Winston-Salem, N.C. 27105
Wolfenbuttel: solid-wf(at) This is an info stall in Wolfenbuttel. I'm not sure about the exact location yet. It's organized by ['solid], the youth organization affiliated with the PDS (a socialist party)
Worcester: C.J. & Judi Bunn, 413-245-3675 #9 Maybrook Rd, Holland, MA 01521
Yellow Springs: Devon Ronaldson soulrebel(at) 937 769 1764 c/o Student mailroom, 795 Livermore St., Yellow Springs OH 45387
Zagreb: "Sergio Stifanic" fine_time909(at) GALOVICEVA 10, 10000 ZAGREB Phone: ++385 1 2330667
Zurich: Swiss Hanf Koordination Sekretariat + 41-31-398-144 infor(at) a free apéro for all our customers in our hemp-store: CHanf++ GmbH, Zweierstrasse 124, CH-8003 Zürich