Enschede, Netherlands
Links[edit | edit source]
- Link: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.introweb.nl/~cannabis
- Link:
- Link:
1037 cities have participated from 88 nations or subnational areas since 1999. Google site search no longer works as well. Special:Search works well. Click: "Global Marijuana March maps". Add city name to search, and state/province/nation as needed. This is an advanced search of main pages and templates. This will pull up all yearly maps in which the city is listed. Except for 2015, 2016, 2017, 2021 due to various problems. Putting quotes around multi-word city names helps focus the search: "New York City".
This city, nation, or subnational area participated or signed up one year (or more) for the Global Marijuana March (GMM), Million Marijuana March (MMM), or 420. Cities and nations holding 4/20 events are also included in later years. Yearly maps. See: 420 and Global Cannabis March event lists by year. See: GMM links.
GMM/420 city lists and maps: ~ 1999. 2000. 4/20 events have been included in the city lists since 2013. Yearly event links in many cases will no longer be added to city pages due to the amount of work involved. Such links are found in the yearly city lists. Graphics and crowd photos will also no longer be added to city pages in many cases. Graphics and photos can be found in this alphabetical flat list.
Right-click any region for its city list. |
2000[edit | edit source]
- Link: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.introweb.nl/~cannabis
- Link: http://www.worldcamp.org/mmm1_401.htm
- Preview from above link (spelling corrected):
- ENSCHEDE, Netherlands
- Contact: Henk van bommel Organisation: vereniging van enschedese cannabisconsumenten
- Email: cannabisinfo.v.e.c(at)introweb.nl
- URL: http://www.introweb.nl/~cannabis
- DETAILS: We are a cannabis club/cooperation with 3489 registered members we will protest at the border netherlands/germany location: Enschede border crossing Glanerbrug-Gronau. We are going hand out de Dutch and German legalize manifest to all passing vehicles and persons. MMM date: 6 may 2000 14.00 cet. Please add us to the list of marching cities on the world. green greetings from Enschede the Netherlands.
40 people came to the event according to the event numbers listed here: