Global Marijuana March 2001
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Global Marijuana March links |
See: Global Marijuana March links. And: Videos.
1037 cities have participated from 88 nations or subnational areas since 1999. GMM: years, photos, basic city lists, maps, detailed city lists, nations, links, graphics, regions. Google images: Crowds, flyers: Cannabis Day. And: Dia Mundial de la Marihuana. And: Marcha da Maconha. And: Marche Mondiale du Cannabis. And: Marcha Mundial de la Marihuana. And: Global Marijuana March. And: Global Cannabis March. Add city name to searches. Search Google, Google Images, Youtube, etc.. Flat list. All event graphics and photos. In alphabetical order by city. More flat lists:
Facebook: Main Global Cannabis March and 420 fan page. International GCM-420 group. Europe GCM-420 group. Private GCM-420 group. |
Top[edit | edit source]
Featured photos. |
See article with these photos. See videos too. More photos: Flat list of event graphics and photos. It is in alphabetical order by city. Many more images there. Share link to this small gallery. ![]() Sao Paulo, Brazil. May 26, 2018. See source. Part of "Green May" (many cities) [4][5][6] in Brazil. See another 2018 photo. See video showing massive crowd (from 1 minute on, especially the time lapse video). |
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Share link: 2001details. See also: Basic city list, 2001 graphics, and map.
119 cities signed up for the Saturday, May 5, 2001 Global Marijuana March.
For global reports by year see:
1037 cities have participated from 88 nations or subnational areas since 1999.
Overview[edit | edit source]
2001 Million Marijuana March posters, flyers, and banners. |
The Global Marijuana March (GMM) is also known as the Million Marijuana March (MMM), and Global Cannabis March (GCM). Other names, and associated events (some have been around longer than GCM): World Cannabis Day, Cannabis Liberation Day, Cannabis Parade, Ganja Day, J Day, MardiGrass, etc.. GMM occurs on the first Saturday in May, or thereabouts, depending on the city and country. It began in 1999. See New York City, Dana Beal, and Wikipedia: Global Marijuana March. It may include marches, meetings, rallies, raves, concerts, festivals, information tables, and more. The six main demands: stop all cannabis arrests; stop the lies; release the medicine; heal the sick; end the prison state; Cures Not Wars. See ibogaine. And Facebook: Ibogaine Universe!!!! See GMM links for many links for event maps, reports, crowd photos, videos, GMM graphics, press/media, 420 graphics, etc.. See flat lists. See GMM Facebook. See to find archived reports by entering the URL. See report compilations: 420 and Global Marijuana March event lists by year. See also: Wikipedia: Legality of cannabis by country. Please let us know of missing cities for any year: Talk.
Detailed city list[edit | edit source]
The links in the detailed city list below may no longer work, or may no longer lead to 2001 MMM info. Try some of the links in the above-linked archives.
Adelaide: Contact: Jamnes (at) HEMP SA, PO Box 11019, Kent Town South Australia, 5071 /Email: hempsa(at) Phone: +61 (08) 8297 9442
Albuquerque: "Richard E. Haley, Jr." writch(at) Home phone: 505-268-5694 Main NORML Phone: 505-281-6277
Amsterdam: Has© has.cornelissen(at) or alliance(at) Phone: 0031-616314682 or 020-6107807 [Note: this event is June 2 (small event on May 5)]
Anchorage: Free Hemp In Alaska, Contact: Lincoln Swan freedomfighter49(at) or freehempinak(at) Address: 2603 Spenard Road, Anchorage, AK 99503. Phone: 907 278-4367 TOLL FREE 1-866-242-HEMP (4367)
Asheville: Contact: Jason Klein aragorn(at) /Community of Compassion/ Phone: 828-277-6876
Atlanta: Paul Cornwell info(at) Phone: 404-522-2267 Address: CAMP, PO Box 5718, Atlanta, GA. 31107-5718 / Website:
Athens (OHIO): John Spofforth af542(at) Phone: 740-592-3649
Auckland: Chris Fowlie norml(at) Phone: 09 302-5255 Website:
Austin: Contact: Tracey Hayes / "M5 coalition" texasm5(at) Phone: 512-493-7357 Website:
Bakersfield: Chris Colazzo ccolazzo(at) Phone: 661-321-1336
Batesville: Email to: nfn(at) nfn(at) / Gary or Kira / Phone: 662-578-8343
Battle Creek: Harry Goddard / Phone: 616-731-2807
Berlin: martin(at) Phone: 0049-30-24720233
Boston: Bill Downing / MASSCAN Phone: 781-944-2266
Boulder: Fred / Phone: 303-449-2390
Brno, (Czech Republic): "Vaclav Linkov" linkov(at) Phone: +420-737-811107 URL:
Buffalo: Rebecca Powell / Phone: 716-353-4807 or central Buffalo/ Phil Beavers Phone: 716-353-4807 or 716-895-1987 Email: LOCMAN420(at) Details: Start 3:00pm Sat. May 5th, Delaware Park Demo/ 420pm
Burlington: "Robert J. Melamede" rmelamed(at) Ph: 802-658-2059 Website:
Capetown: "Henn" godfreehenn(at)
Carbondale: "Dave Thayer" stinkygreens(at) 110 kellogg, Carbondale, Ill. 62901 Phone: 618-536-7419
Charleston: Jim Payne StalkForrest(at)
Charlotte: Mike CAMPNC(at) Phone: 704-321-1421
Chicago: IMI Phone: 773-381-9330 Email: "Caren Thomas" windycityhemp420(at)
Chico: MP Jimmy Ogle mpogle(at) Phone: 530-876-1012 or "Adrian Aguilar" ode2thewalls(at) Phone: 530-898-2150 or voicemail pgr. 530-571-2071
Christchurch (NZ): "Blair Anderson" blair(at) / Phone: 03 389-4065
Cleveland: John NCNorml(at) Phone: 216-521-9333
Columbus: Kenneth Schweickart forabetterohio(at) Phone: 614-265-VOTE
Colorado Springs: Joey Herrmann rainbowproductions1(at)
Denver: Jack Woehr / Phone: 303-277-9574
Des Moines: iowanorml(at) , , Phone: Carl Olsen, 515-288-5798 or Terry Mitchell, 515-789-4442; also Becky Terrill, 515-268-3105 Address: PO Box 4091, Des Moines, Iowa 50333.
Detroit: "jude joseph" acididea(at) Phone: 313-438-1668 or Adrienne C. (at) E-mail: daisymae421(at) Phone: 517-872-8005.
Duesseldorf: Marlon Werkhausen, Email: marlon(at) Mobile Phone: 049-172-7591795
Dunedin: Duncan Eddy duncaneddy(at) Otago University NORML Phone: 025-719-139 Website:
Durban: or ezpz(at) PHONE AND FAX: +27 31 2016 359 / Post net Suite 136, Private Bag X 04, DALBRIDGE, 4014, SOUTH AFRICA
Edinburgh: "Linda Hendry" linda(at)
Eugene: Kris Millegan Hempsters(at) Phone: 541-935-6276
Fairbanks, Alaska: Contact Chuck Rollins Jr. at chuck(at)
Frankenthal: "Helmut Holtzheimer" movemus(at)
Garberville : "Paul Encimer" encimer(at)
Halifax: Danielle D'Aoust, e-mail: daoust_girl(at) 3923 Kencrest Ave. app. 307, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, B3K3L4 Tel: 902-454-9317; or 902-865-8606 Also Jimmy Dorey jdorey(at)
Hamburg: Martina Katzsch Hanf-tv(at)
Hilo: Roger Christie pakaloha(at) Phone: 808-961-0488 / also Rev. Jonathan Adler bigislex(at) Phone: 808-982-7640
Helsinki: Finnish Cannabis Association, Details: Demo begins at 2pm. Email: sky(at)
Ho Chi Minh City: "Bartlett Ridge" bridgeviet(at)
Homer, Alaska - Contact: Julie Cesarini, P.O. Box 812, Homer AK 99603, Phone: 907-235-6040.
Houston: Dean Farrell fdb(at) Phone: 281-752-9198
Hull: "Carl Wagner" Upyoursjackstraw(at) Phone: +44 01482 494789 5 Victoria Square, Ella Street, Hull HU5 3AL, England
Huntsville: "Bill Gallagher" luxefaire(at) Phone: 256-536-9967
Indianapolis: Skywolf(at) Neal / Phone: 317-882-1904
Innsbruck, Austria: Contact: Matthias, Email: "Egger" florian.egger(at)
Ithaca: Adam Hirsch ah222(at) Address: 522 Stewart Ave. (Apt # 2), Ithaca, NY 14850
Jefferson City: Al Minta / Phone: 417-866-399 Address:1653 N. Patterson (Apt A), Springfield, MO 65803
Jerusalem: Joseph (011-972) Phone: 050-494-447
Johannesburg: Gordon Maene Gordon(at) Work phone: 011-805- 6763 Cell phone: 082-552-6393
Juneau, Alaska - Contact: "Brad Parfitt" latebrad(at)
Kansas City: Global Peace Cafeneh globalpeas(at) globalpeas, 1518 s. 18th st., KC KS 66101 or mohemp(at) Phone: 816-931-6169 Website:
Kelowna, B.C.: Teresa Taylor, CCC luna(at) Phone: 250-442-2741 or 250-442-5166 / Fax 250-442-5167
Kent, (Ohio): Contact: Derrick Heichelbech, Community Cannabis Collective, Kent State University, 22 Cunningham Dr. #1029, Kent, Ohio 44243 / Website: Email: mjmarch(at) Phone: 330-672-4263
Krakow: Marek Warmuz / "quepassa" quepassa(at) Phone: (+48) 501-468-018
Ladysmith: Terry & Wendy tandwp1(at) Phone: 250)-245-3595
Lansing: Kathy Kennedy / Phone: 517-628-3915 or e-mail: Prohibition X (at) or
Liverpool: "Will Graham" willg(at) Phone: (inc. international code): 0044 151 727 1458
London: International Cannabis Coalition (UK), PO Box 2243, London, W1A 1YF, UK. Chris: 020 7637 7467. Fax: 0870 0548646. E Mail: may2001(at)
Los Angeles: Sister Somayah / Phone: 323-232-0935 Email: hempishep(at)
Macon: Email: BunnieGurl420(at) Phone: 912-755 9660
Madison: "Ben Masel" bmasel(at)
Miami: Temporary contact: Steve Jacobsen chefjake01(at) Phone: 561-706-1670
Minneapolis: Grassroots Party, Temp Phone: 952-884-5009, or Chris Wright TCW(at) Ph. (612) 522-5374. / March (at) High Noon from Loring Park to Washburn Fair-Oaks Park.
Milwaulkee: Dominic Salmaan, 1525 E., Royall Pl. #14, Milwaulkee, Wi. 53202 Ph. 414-289-9501 / 414-339-9377 Email: 420bonghitter(at)
Missoula: Contact: Angela, Phone: (406) 549-8389
Mobile: Ravetripper19(at) Phone: 334-649- 0193
Montpelier: Rama Schneider 2001(at) Phone: 802-433-5441 Address: 1614 Gilbert Road, Williamstown, VT 05679
Montreal: Marc-Boris St-Maurice blocpot(at) Phone: 514-528-1768
Nashville: "Howie & Marivuana Leinoff" torml(at) Phone: 615-ACT-HIGH
New Orleans: "Ashley The Fearless" fearless_420(at) Phone: 818-762-1368 / 504-957-HERB Website:
New York City: "Dana Beal" dana(at) Phone: 212-677-7180
Nimbin: "rebelart" rebelart(at) Contact ph: 61-266890413
Nuernberg; Contact: Emanuel Kotzian (member of the "Green Party") Email: emanuel(at) Phone: 0049-911-535433 Details: A pro-hemp-event is planned at the clubhouse K4 in Nuernberg.
Oberlin: Oberlin Million Marijuana March, c/o Stitch by Stitch and Curiosities, 31 South Main Street, Oberlin, OH 44074 / Phone: (440)774-4544 / Email: OberlinMMM(at)
Oberwart (Austria): DJ ANSA will take part in the CANNABIS COALITION 2001 (at) X-CHAT in Oberwart / AUSTRIA in form of a GOATRANCE - PARTY on MAY 4th - 6th (48h NONSTOP) Email: ansa(at) ansa(at) Website:
Olympia: "Miriam White" miriamwhite420(at) Pager/voice mail: 360-415-2011
Omaha: Paul Tripp paultrip(at) Phone: 402-330-8736
Orlando: Rudi703(at) Phone: 407-415-2091
Oslo: Contact: Stein Hoftvedt, NORMAL Norway / Email: post(at) /or Torkel Bjørnson/ mmm2001(at) Website:
Paducah: Contact: Paula / Phone: 270-362-9849 or Cher Ford-McCullough bitchcrafts(at) /also Brian McCullough Phone: 270-362-8186
Palm Springs: Contact: Lanny Swerdlow or Scott Logan of The Hemp Company in Desert Hot Springs at 760-329-3358 or page Lanny Swerdlow at 760-836-8166 /760-799-2055 Email: marijuanamarch(at)
Paris: farid(at) FARId GHEHIOUECHE Home phone: 01 42 51 50 85; Mobile: 06 14 81 56 79 or "Dalila AKROUR" dalilaa(at)
Philadelphia: Bob Hemp (beep) 215-422-6055 / or Emily Petry / Email: "susie q" phillyweed420(at) Phone: 215-563-3030
Pomona, Ca: "Mark Hornaday/Hemp Shak" hempshak(at) Phone: (909)JAH-HEMP. Address: 119 West 2nd St., Pomona, CA 91766.
Portland: Phone: 503-777-9088 pdxnorml(at) Address: MMM 2001 Committee c/o Pdx NORML, P.O. Box 11694, Portland, OR 97211. Assemble at Pioneer Square, 10am - March at High Noon; Rally at 2pm, music & speakers til 5pm (Ends by 7pm)
Prague: Michael Polak xchaos(at) Tel: +420-603-872631, +420-2-33355668, +420-602-178012
PEI (Prince Edward Island): Deanne Kimball cdkimball(at) Phone: 902-628-9012
Providence: "Ann McCormick" amccormick(at) Phone: 401-724-8628
Raleigh/Durham: Brian T. Moore btm42(at) Tel: 919-835-9889 Website:
Redding: "Byron Stephens" neuromancer420(at)
Regina & Saskatoon, Canada: Contact: "Daniel Johnson" amduscias(at)
Richmond: "Roy B. Scherer" rscherer(at) , or campus libs at Huclberie1(at) Phone: 804-355-7612
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan: Contact: Jeramiah Whipp, Marijuana Party of Saskatchewan, Phone: (306)230-0951
San Francisco: or "Adrian Mim" age420(at) Phone: 510-444-3207
San Marcos: Bryan Anderson: Email: earthfirstswt(at) Phone: 512.396.3223
Santa Cruz: DdC dendecannabist(at) or Jason Brodsky theherbalist(at)
Springfield, Illinois: "Mike Roader" heavymettle(at)
St. Louis: Rev Jeff Aimhigh6(at) also The Cannabis Commandos or St. Louis Area NORML , PO Box 220243,St. Louis, MO 63122, Phone: 314-995-1395 Email: StL_norml(at)
St. Petersburg: Kevin Aplin - FL CAN Ph: 321-255-9790. Jodi James - Coalition Advocating Medical Marijuana Ph: 321-253-3673 Brian Palmer - Golden Boy Productions Ph: 407-493-2346
Seattle to Olympia Journey for Justice: Jess "Fat Freddy" Williams realfatfreddyjay(at) Ph: 253-573-9862
Tampa: Phone: 813-779-2551. Michael Palmieri forml420(at) or forml_2000(at) ; Address: FORML, P.O. Box 2061, Zephyrhills, Florida 33539. ; or Bob Quail bquail420(at) Phone: 727-347-6245
Tel Aviv: Boaz Wachtel wachtel(at) Tel: 972-54-573679
Thunder Bay: Contact: Doug Thompson, Email: docclone(at) Ph. 807-475-7436
Tokyo: Contact: Cannabist, Phone = +81-3-3706-6885 EMail: info(at) Website:
Toronto: "Terry Parker Jr." terryparkerjr(at) Phone: 416-533-7756 / also The Marijuana Party of Canada Website: also Traverse City: Melody Karr fiddlefoot420(at) Phone: 231-885-2993
Tucson: "mary mackenzie (formerly crow)" mmackenzie(at) Phone: 520-323-2947
Turku: Contact: Vihreet Pantterit, Email: smuuthc11(at) Details: Demo begins at 2pm/
Vancouver: David Malmo-Levine, BC Marijuana Party Bookstore, 307 West Hastings,Vancouver, BC dagreenmachine(at) Phone: 604-682-1172 and
Washington, D.C.: John Pylka, fjhc(at) Phone: 202-887-5770
Wellington: Ben Knight legalise(at) Phone: 04 801-6636
Winnepeg: Chris Buors, Phone: 204-663-3485, Mail to: 430 Winterton ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R2K 1K4
Woodstock, NY: Contact: Ed zepplin edzepp(at) , WAMM, Woodstock Association for Medical Marijuana, T. Villodas 6 orchird lane, Woodstock, N.Y.12498
Yarmouth: "Ryan Taylor" wi1dman(at) Phone: 902-742-6213
Zagreb: "Sergio Stifanic" fine_time909(at) Address: Galoviceva 10, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Phone: ++385 1 2330667
More sources for city list[edit | edit source]
2001 MMM city list.
2001 MMM city list. In several formats. Scroll down the page. Poster, too.